Thank you for supporting a Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned Small Business!
Thank you for supporting a Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned Small Business!
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Our Terms and Conditions are simple. You ask us to make something for you, we do our best to make it happen. If, for some reason, we believe we can't produce that item, then we will let you know. With the supply shortage currently happening, world-wide, we cannot control the availability of supplies (wood, materials, etc.) but we do our best to keep our site updated accordingly. We truly are honest brokers and want to do the right thing. We just ask for the same in return.
These terms and conditions may change, or be updated periodically. It is your responsibility to check back often if you feel the need to stay current on these terms/conditions. Thanks!
Copyright © 2021-2025 PPCLaser - All Rights Reserved.
(PPC Laser is a part of patriot pet cremation)
Powered by GoDaddy (and electricity of course!)
Items on our site are both items we stock and example items. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean we can't (easily) make it! We can Engrave, Cut or Mark on almost ANY material of almost ANY size! Contact us with your idea and let us make it a reality for you!